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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (04) : 309 -316. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.04.003


黄镪1, 孙金梅1, 韩燕飞1, 张拥波1,()   
  1. 1. 100050 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-09 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 张拥波
  • 基金资助:

Difference of influencing factors and clinical outcomes of gastrointestinal bleeding associated with stress ulcers between brain-derived and non-brain-derived disease: a retrospective cohort study

Qiang Huang1, Jinmei Sun1, Yanfei Han1, Yongbo Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China
  • Received:2024-03-09 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Yongbo Zhang

黄镪, 孙金梅, 韩燕飞, 张拥波. 脑源性与非脑源性疾病所致应激性溃疡相关胃肠道出血的影响因素及临床预后差异:一项回顾性队列研究[J]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(04): 309-316.

Qiang Huang, Jinmei Sun, Yanfei Han, Yongbo Zhang. Difference of influencing factors and clinical outcomes of gastrointestinal bleeding associated with stress ulcers between brain-derived and non-brain-derived disease: a retrospective cohort study[J]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(04): 309-316.




纳入2016年1月1日至2020年1月1日在首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院NCU及GICU连续性收治的SU患者,以CIB和30 d全因死亡事件为主要终点指标。采用Pearson χ2检验或Mann-Whitney U检验比较组间相应变量的差异,采用逻辑回归分析主要终点指标的影响因素。


共纳入261例符合入组标准的SU患者(NCU组149例,GICU组112例),其中女性88例(33.7%),年龄为65(53,76)岁。SU患者中有136例(52.1%)发生CIB,NCU组和GICU组各有68例。相比GICU组,NCU组的SU患者年龄更大,高血压和既往有卒中病史的比例更高,但有冠心病史、有慢性胃病史、长期应用糖皮质激素或同等药物、有肝功能不全、有肾功能不全、有呼吸衰竭和有凝血功能障碍患者的比例更低,差异均具有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。类似地,与GICU组相比,NCU组CIB患者有卒中病史的比例更高,但有冠心病史、长期应用糖皮质激素或同等药物、有肾功能不全和有凝血功能障碍的患者比例更低,差异均具有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。NCU组SU患者30 d全因死亡率明显低于GICU组(16.2% vs 29.7%,χ2=6.748,P=0.009),但对应的2组CIB患者30 d全因死亡率差异无统计学意义(30.9% vs 41.8%,P>0.05)。逻辑回归分析结果提示30 d全因死亡的独立影响因素包括:长期应用糖皮质激素或同等药物[比值比(OR)=2.439,95%可信区间(CI):1.131~5.259]、有输血治疗(OR=3.329,95%CI:1.558~7.112)、有呼吸衰竭(OR=3.405,95%CI:1.61~7.198)和有CIB(OR=3.793,95%CI:1.529~9.414)。而应用鼻胃管(OR=5.209,95%CI:2.820~9.620)、有呼吸衰竭(OR=3.672,95%CI:1.620~8.325)和国际标准化比值>1.5(OR=2.119,95%CI:1.023~4.389)与CIB发生风险增加显著相关,应用质子泵抑制剂进行预防性治疗(OR=0.277,95%CI:0.100~0.768)有助于降低CIB的发生风险。


NCU组(脑源性)和GICU组(非脑源性)CIB患者中未发现危险因素及30 d全因死亡率的显著性差异。应用鼻胃管、有呼吸衰竭和国际标准化比值>1.5与CIB发生风险的增加显著相关,而质子泵抑制剂预防性治疗很可能有助于降低2组患者的CIB风险。


To evaluate the differences in risk factors and outcomes of stress ulcer (SU) and clinically important stress-related gastrointestinal bleeding (CIB) between patients from the neurocritical care unit (NCU) and those from the general intensive care unit (GICU).


The study included consecutive SU patients admitted to Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, from January 1, 2016, to January 1, 2020. CIB and all-cause death at 30 d were chosen as primary endpoints. The Pearson Chi-square test or Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences of corresponding variables between groups, and multiple logistic regression models were performed to identify the risk factors of each primary endpoint event.


A total of 261 eligible SU patients (149 from the NCU group and 112 from the GICU group) were enrolled, with 88 (33.7%) women and a median age of 65 years (range 53 to 76). CIB was experienced by 136 SU patients (52.1%), with 68 cases in each group. Compared with the SU patients from the GICU, those from the NCU were older and had a higher proportion of hypertension and previous stroke (all P<0.05), but a lower rate of coronary heart disease, previous peptic ulcer disease, administration of glucocorticoids or the equivalent, hepatic failure, renal failure, respiratory failure, and coagulopathy (all P<0.05). Similarly, the CIB patients from the NCU group had a higher rate of previous stroke, but a lower rate of coronary heart disease, administration of glucocorticoids or the equivalent, renal failure, and coagulopathy, compared with those from the GICU group (all P < 0.05). A significantly lower mortality at 30 d was observed in SU patients from the NCU group than those from the GICU group (16.2% vs 29.7%, χ2=6.748, P=0.009), while there was no significant difference for all-cause death at 30d of CIB patients between the NCU group and the GICU group (30.9% vs 41.8%, P>0.05). Four independent risk factors of all-cause death at 30d, including administration of glucocorticoids or the equivalent, with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.439 and 95% confidence intervals (CI), 1.131-5.259, blood transfusion (OR=3.329, 95%CI: 1.558-7.112), respiratory failure (OR=3.405, 95%CI: 1.610-7.198), and CIB (OR=3.793, 95%CI: 1.529-9.414) were identified in the binary logistic regression modal. The use of a nasogastric tube (OR=5.209, 95%CI: 2.820-9.620), respiratory failure (OR=3.672, 95%CI: 1.620-8.325), and international standardized ratio>1.5 (OR=2.119, 95%CI: 1.023-4.389) was associated with a greater risk of CIB, while SU prophylaxis with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) (OR=0.277, 95%CI: 0.100-0.768) served as the only protective factor for CIB.


CIB is a common and serious complication in critically ill patients. No significant differences in risk factors and all-cause death at 30d were found between CIB associated brain-derived diseases and those with non-brain-derived diseases. Nasogastric tube use, respiratory failure, and INR>1.5 were significantly associated with an increased risk of CIB. Prophylactic therapy with PPI was likely to help reduce the risk of CIB in both groups.

表1 2组SU患者的基线临床资料及相关变量比较结果
项目 NCU组SU患者(n=149) GICU组SU患者(n=112) 统计值 P
年龄[岁,MQR)] 66(58,76) 61(48,77) Z=-2.193 0.028
女性[例(%)] 45(30.2) 43(38.4) χ2=1.920 0.166
高血压 98(65.8) 58(51.8) χ2=5.201 0.023
糖尿病 47(31.5) 39(34.8) χ2=0.311 0.577
高脂血症 60(40.3) 43(38.4) χ2=0.094 0.759
冠心病 29(19.5) 35(31.3) χ2=4.800 0.028
心房颤动 25(16.8) 15(13.4) χ2=0.565 0.452
既往卒中 44(29.5) 16(14.3) χ2=8.393 0.004
慢性胃病 16(10.7) 25(22.3) χ2=6.749 0.011
应用糖皮质激素或同等药物[例(%)] 27(18.1) 40(35.7) χ2=10.372 0.001
吸烟[例(%)] 60(40.3) 44(39.3) χ2=0.026 0.872
大量饮酒[例(%)] 42(28.2) 25(22.3) χ2=1.153 0.283
住院时间[d,MQR)] 14(12,17) 14(10,25) Z=-0.454 0.650
SU首发症状与临床诊断之间的时间间隔[d,MQR)] 1(1,4) 2(1,6) Z=-1.804 0.071
血小板计数<50000/cm3 7(4.7) 32(28.6) χ2=28.672 <0.001
国际标准化比值>1.5 17(11.4) 53(47.3) χ2=42.014 <0.001
APTT>2倍参考值 12(8.1) 45(40.2) χ2=38.657 <0.001
空腹血糖(mmol/L) 6.4(5.2,9.5) 6.5(5.3,9.6) Z=-0.080 0.937
糖化血红蛋白(%) 6.0(5.4,7.4) 6.0(5.4,6.8) Z=-0.435 0.663
糖化白蛋白(%) 15.1(13.1,19.0) 15.4(13.1,17.8) Z=-1.195 0.232
肝功能不全[例(%)] 1(0.7) 8(7.1) χ2=6.217 0.013
肾功能不全[例(%)] 7(4.7) 28(25.0) χ2=22.696 <0.001
应用鼻胃管[例(%)] 78(52.3) 61(54.5) χ2=0.115 0.735
呼吸衰竭[例(%)] 32(21.5) 41(36.6) χ2=7.266 0.007
肺部感染[例(%)] 32(21.5) 41(36.6) χ2=7.266 0.007
SU的预防性治疗[例(%)] 19(12.8) 23(20.5) χ2=2.869 0.090
表2 2组CIB患者基线临床资料及相关变量的比较结果
项目 NCU组CIB患者(n=68) GICU组CIB患者(n=68) 统计值 P
年龄[岁,MQR)] 67(59,75) 64(52,77) Z=-0.607 0.544
女性[例(%)] 22(32.4) 21(30.9) χ2=0.034 0.854
高血压 46(67.6) 38(55.9) χ2=1.993 0.158
糖尿病 23(33.8) 25(36.8) χ2=0.129 0.720
高脂血症 23(33.8) 24(35.3) χ2=0.033 0.857
冠心病 13(19.1) 25(36.8) χ2=5.259 0.022
心房颤动 14(20.6) 11(16.2) χ2=0.441 0.507
既往卒中 24(35.3) 9(13.2) χ2=9.003 0.003
慢性胃病 9(13.2) 16(23.5) χ2=2.401 0.121
应用糖皮质激素或同等药物[例(%)] 13(19.1) 25(36.8) χ2=5.259 0.022
吸烟[例(%)] 25(36.8) 34(50.0) χ2=2.425 0.119
大量饮酒[例(%)] 17(25.0) 19(27.9) χ2=0.151 0.697
住院时间[d,MQR)] 14(11,19) 16(10,31) Z=-1.026 0.305
SU首发症状与临床诊断之间的时间间隔[d,MQR)] 2(1,5) 2(1,6) Z=-0.588 0.556
血小板计数<50000 cm3 4(5.9) 22(32.4) χ2=15.407 <0.001
国际标准化比值>1.5 14(20.6) 39(57.4) χ2=19.323 <0.001
APTT>2倍参考值 9(13.2) 34(50.0) χ2=21.255 <0.001
空腹血糖(mmol/L) 8.2(5.7,10.9) 7.3(5.4,9.6) χ2=-1.221 0.222
糖化血红蛋白(%) 6.2(5.5,7.9) 6.0(5.4,6.8) Z=-1.168 0.243
糖化白蛋白(%) 16.4(14.0,19.6) 15.5(13.0,18.0) Z=-1.777 0.076
肝功能不全[例(%)] 1(1.5) 6(8.8) χ2=3.765 0.052
肾功能不全[例(%)] 4(5.9) 23(33.8) χ2=16.682 <0.001
应用鼻胃管[例(%)] 54(79.4) 51(75.0) χ2=0.376 0.540
呼吸衰竭[例(%)] 26(38.2) 37(54.4) χ2=3.578 0.059
肺部感染[例(%)] 46(67.6) 36(52.9) χ2=3.071 0.080
SU的预防性治疗[例(%)] 6(8.8) 10(14.7) χ2=1.133 0.287
表3 2组SU患者的临床终点指标比较
图1 应激性溃疡患者30 d全因死亡的影响因素
图2 临床有意义的应激性消化道溃疡伴出血事件的影响因素
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