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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (05) : 314 -319. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2022.05.005


刘欣1, 王丽娟1, 刘荧1, 王爽1, 徐绍红1, 李小刚2,()   
  1. 1. 100190 北京市中关村医院神经内科
    2. 100191 北京大学第三医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-01 出版日期:2022-10-01
  • 通信作者: 李小刚
  • 基金资助:

Risk factors and Cognitive training effect of varying degrees of post-stroke cognitive impairment

Xin Liu1, Lijuan Wang1, Ying Liu1, Shuang Wang1, Shaohong Xu1, Xiaogang Li2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Beijing Zhongguancun Hospital, Beijing 100190, China
    2. Department of Neurology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2022-06-01 Published:2022-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiaogang Li

刘欣, 王丽娟, 刘荧, 王爽, 徐绍红, 李小刚. 缺血性脑卒中后不同程度认知障碍危险因素及认知训练效果分析[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(05): 314-319.

Xin Liu, Lijuan Wang, Ying Liu, Shuang Wang, Shaohong Xu, Xiaogang Li. Risk factors and Cognitive training effect of varying degrees of post-stroke cognitive impairment[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(05): 314-319.






共纳入64例PSCI患者,重度认知障碍组40例,轻度认知障碍组24例。单因素分析发现重度认知障碍组较轻度认知障碍组在年龄、NIHSS、同型半胱氨酸、C反应蛋白、CSVD总负荷评分方面明显升高[77.5(75.0,81.0)岁 vs 70.0(66.0,76.0)岁;7.5(2.5,8.0)分 vs 3.0(2.0,5.0)分14.7(11.04,19.35)μmol/L vs 12.29(9.57,14.80)μmol/L;3.61(0.97,9.09)mmol/L vs 1.50(0.56,3.45)mmol/L;2.0(2.0,3.0)分 vs 1.0(0,2.0)分],差异均具有统计学意义(Z=-3.636、-2.742、-2.226、-2.207、6.542,P<0.001、<0.001、=0.008、=0.001、<0.001),在血红蛋白、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、低密度脂蛋白及甘油三酯方面明显降低[(122.25±17.32)g/L vs(134.46±16.09)g/L;5.56(4.88,6.34)mmol/L vs 7.82(6.29,10.23)mmol/L;5.8%(5.60%,7.05%)vs 7.7%(6.50%,8.70%);2.07(1.66,2.76)mmol/L vs 2.55(2.22,3.18)mmol/L;1.15(0.95,1.58)mmol/L vs 1.79(1.28,2.52)mmol/L],差异均具有统计学意义(t=-2.802,P=0.006;Z=-2.794,P=0.001;Z=-2.794,P<0.001;Z=-1.588,P=0.006;Z=-2.684,P=0.001)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示CSVD总负荷评分(OR=4.536,95%CI:1.558~13.210,P=0.006)是PSCI重度认知障碍组的独立影响因素。认知训练后轻度认知障碍组MoCA及语言、抽象思维、延迟回忆改善较重度认知障碍组明显[4.0(3.0,4.5)分 vs 3.0(2.0,4.0)分;0(0,1.0)分 vs 0(0,1.0)分;1.0(0,1.0)分 vs 0(0,0)分1.0(0,1.0)分 vs 0(0,0)分],差异具有统计学意义(Z=-2.848、-3.900、-2.671、-3.044,P=0.004、<0.001、=0.008、0.002)。




To investigate the difference in risk factors between mild and severe post-stroke cognitive impairment and the effect of regular cognitive training.


Patients with ischemic stroke, admitted to Zhongguancun Hospital in Beijing from January 2019 to April 2021, were included and classified as post-stroke severe cognitive impairment group (MoCA ≤15 points) and mild post-stoke Cognitive impairment group (MoCA >15 and ≤24 points). Univariate (t test、Wilcoxon rank sum test and χ2 test) and multivariate comparative regression analysis was used to compare the demographic data, biochemical parameters, medical history, location of stroke lesion, NHISS, and total cerebral small vascular disease (CSVD) load in the two groups. The enrolled patients were given regular cognitive training. MoCA test was performed again 3 months later to compare the effect before and after training.


A total of 64 patients were enrolled, including 40 patients in the severe PSCI group and 24 in the mild PSCI group. Univariate analysis showed that age, NIHSS, homocysteine, CRP, and CSVD total load score were significantly higher in severe PSCI group than those in mild PSCI group [77.5(75.0, 81.0) years vs 70.0(66.0, 76.0) years; 7.5(2.5, 8.0) points vs 3.0(2.0, 5.0) points; 14.7(11.04, 19.35) μmol/L vs 12.29(9.57, 14.80) μmol/L; 3.61(0.97, 9.09) mmol/L vs 1.50(0.56, 3.45) mmol/L; 2.0(2.0, 3.0) points vs 1.0(0, 2.0) points], the differences were statistically significant (Z=-3.636, -2.742, -2.226, -2.207, 6.542; P<0.001, <0.001, =0.008, =0.001, <0.001). Hemoglobin, blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, low density lipoprotein and triglyceride were significantly reduced [(122.25±17.32)g/L vs (134.46±16.09)g/L; 5.56(4.88, 6.34) mmol/L vs 7.82(6.29, 10.23) mmol/L; 5.8%(5.60%, 7.05%) vs 7.7%(6.50%, 8.70%); 2.07(1.66, 2.76) mmol/L vs 2.55(2.22, 3.18) mmol/L; 1.15(0.95, 1.58) mmol/L vs 1.79(1.28, 2.52) mmol/L], the differences were statistically significant (t=-2.802, P=0.006; Z=-2.794, P=0.001; Z=-2.794, P<0.001; Z=-1.588, P=0.006; Z=-2.684, P=0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that CSVD score was an independent factor in the severe PSCI group (OR=4.536, 95%CI: 1.558~13.210, P=0.006). MoCA, language, abstraction and delayed recall improved significantly in the mild cognitive impairment group after cognitive training compared with the severe group [4.0(3.0, 4.5) score vs 3.0 (2.0, 4.0) score; 0(0, 1.0) score vs 0(0, 1.0) score; 1.0(0, 1.0) score vs 0(0, 0) score; 1.0(0, 1.0) score vs 0(0, 0) score], the differences were statistically significant (Z=-2.848, -3.900, -2.671, -3.044; P=0.004, <0.001, =0.008, 0.002).


CSVD score was an independent influencing factor of severe cognitive impairment. Regular cognitive training can effectively improve the level of cognitive impairment after stroke.

表1 PSCI重度组与PSCI轻度组一般资料比较
项目 重度认知障碍组(n=40例) 轻度认知障碍组(n=24例) 统计值 P
年龄[岁,MQR)] 77.5(75.0,81.0) 70.0(66.0,76.0) Z=-3.636 <0.001
男性[例(%)] 18(45.0) 14(58.3) χ2=1.067 0.219
文化程度[例(%)] χ2=2.115 0.132
文盲 6(15.0) 0(0.0)
小学 3(7.5) 2(8.3)
初中及以上 31(77.5) 22(91.7)
高血压[例(%)] 31(77.5) 20(83.3) χ2=0.315 0.411
糖尿病[例(%)] 18(47.5) 15(62.5) χ2=1.355 0.183
冠心病[例(%)] 9(22.5) 6(25.0) χ2=0.052 0.525
既往卒中[例(%)] 11(27.5) 6(25.0) χ2=0.048 0.534
吸烟史[例(%)] 8(20.0) 9(37.5) χ2=4.232 0.108
饮酒史[例(%)] 6(15.0) 4(16.7) χ2=0.032 0.562
入院时NIHSS评分[分,MQR)] 7.5(2.5,8.0) 3.0(2.0,5.0) Z=-2.742 <0.001
空腹血糖[mmol/L,MQR)] 5.56(4.88,6.34) 7.82(6.29,10.23) Z=-2.794 0.001
糖化血红蛋白[%,MQR)] 5.8(5.60,7.05) 7.7(6.50,8.70) Z=-2.794 <0.001
122.25±17.32 134.46±16.09 t=-2.802 0.006
HDL-C[mmol/L,MQR)] 1.0(0.91,1.10) 1.06(0.76,1.27) Z=-0.092 0.699
TG[mmol/L,MQR)] 1.15(0.95,1.58) 1.79(1.28,2.52) Z=-2.684 0.001
LDL-C[mmol/L,MQR)] 2.07(1.66,2.76) 2.55(2.22,3.18) Z=-1.588 0.006
同型半胱氨酸[μmol/L,MQR)] 14.7(11.04,19.35) 12.29(9.57,14.80) Z=-2.226 0.008
CRP[mmol/L,MQR)] 3.61(0.97,9.09) 1.50(0.56,3.45) Z=-2.207 0.001
左半球病灶[例(%)] 17(42.5) 11(45.8) χ2=0.068 0.499
幕上病灶[例(%)] 36(90.0) 21(87.5) χ2=0.096 0.529
CSVD总负荷评分[分,MQR)] 2.0(2.0,3.0) 1.0(0,2.0) Z=6.542 <0.001
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表3 训练前后轻度认知障碍组和重度认知障碍组认知测评分析[分,M(QR)]
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