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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 243 -249. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.03.008


李扬1, 王阳1, 师瑞1, 张潇1, 魏东1,()   
  1. 1. 710032 西安,空军军医大学第一附属医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-23 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 魏东
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金青年项目(81400873); 西京医院学科助推计划项目(XJZT18ML47)

Interventional recanalization strategies for symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion

Yang Li1, Yang Wang1, Rui Shi1, Xiao Zhang1, Dong Wei1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China
  • Received:2023-11-23 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Dong Wei

李扬, 王阳, 师瑞, 张潇, 魏东. 症状性椎动脉起始部闭塞介入再通策略分析[J]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 243-249.

Yang Li, Yang Wang, Rui Shi, Xiao Zhang, Dong Wei. Interventional recanalization strategies for symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion[J]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 243-249.










To investigate interventional recanalization strategies in patients with symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion.


Seventeen consecutive patients with symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion, who underwent interventional recanalization between June 2020 and June 2022 at the Department of Neurology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, were retrospectively enrolled. Clinical and imaging data were analyzed to assess lesion characteristics, including the side of responsible lesion, the presence or absence of stump, the presence or absence of contralateral vertebral artery, the presence or absence of collateral compensation. Additionally, the mode of access, the handling of occluded segment of vertebral artery, the success of thrombectomy retrieval, and the perioperative and follow-up periods were examined.


Seventeen patients with symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion underwent interventional opening, including 15 males and 2 females, with a median age of 66 years. There were 3 patients with right vertebral artery occlusion, 14 with left vertebral artery occlusion, and 13 with contralateral vertebral artery dysplasia. Eleven cases received compensatory blood supply from the thyrocervical trunk, while 9 cases had compensatory blood supply from the posterior communicating artery. The success rate of acute symptomatic vertebral artery initial occlusion was 88.8% (8/9). Seven patients had positive occlusion of the vertebral artery; one patient had reverse guidance of the thyrocervical trunk to open the occluded vertebral artery, and in one case, recanalization failed because the micro-guide wire could not pass through the occluded segment of the vertebral artery initial; The success rate of non-acute symptomatic vertebral artery initial occlusion was 87.5% (7/8). Six cases were occluded through the positive direction; one case was occluded through the contralateral hypoplastic vertebral artery reverse direction; and one case failed to recanalize because the guide wire could not find the occluded vertebral artery opening. Of the 17 patients with occluded vertebral artery, 10 had stump, and 7 had no stump.


There are six primary strategies for achieving interventional patency in patients with symptomatic vertebral artery ostial occlusion: the first is the antegrade patency, followed by thyrocervical trunk and occipital artery retrograde patency, then contralateral vertebral artery retrograde patency or posterior communicating artery retrograde patency, and finally direct puncture of the vertebral artery retrograde patency.

表1 症状性椎动脉起始部闭塞患者临床资料
例序 性别 年龄(岁) 高血压 糖尿病 高血脂 吸烟 发病至穿刺时间 术前NIHSS评分(分) 是否溶栓 是否急性闭塞开通 再通侧别 有无残端
1 76 33 h 35
2 76 6 h 10
3 57 3 h 29
4 64 1周 8
5 50 5 h 35
6 64 9 h 6
7 68 7 h 12
8 61 8 h 12
9 67 5 h 9
10 66 1 d 17
11 75 7 d 5
12 55 2个月 0
13 69 2个月 2
14 70 5 d 4
15 63 20 d 3
16 69 36 d 1
17 62 28 d 0
例序 侧支代偿 对侧椎动脉 开通方式 血管成形方式:支架(型号)/球囊扩张 取栓器械 术后24 h NIHSS评分(分) 90 d mRS评分(分)
1 甲状颈干 发育不良 经甲状颈干逆向指引开通 Apollo 3.5 mm×18 mm Solitaire 6×30 mm 2 1
2 甲状颈干 发育不良 正向 CID 5 mm×17 mm Sofia 6F 26 5
3 右侧后交通 发育不良,开口处狭窄 正向 Apollo 3.5 mm×13 mm Sofia 5F 死亡 5
4 支架置入术后,再狭窄 正向 单纯球囊扩张 catlyst 6,Revive 4×22 9 1
5 左侧后交通 发育不良 正向 单纯球囊扩张 Solitaire 6×30 2 5
6 甲状颈干 正常 正向 Apollo 3 mm×13 mm - 4 0
7 甲状颈干 发育不良 正向 未通 - 12 2
8 甲状颈干,双侧后交通 发育不良 正向 Acculink 5 mm×30 mm catlyst 6 0 0
9 甲状颈干 发育不良 正向 Apollo 4 mm×15 mm Sofia 6F 7 1
10 甲状颈干,左侧后交通 发育不良 正向 Precise 5 mm×40 mm - 17 5
11 左侧后交通 发育不良 正向 Apollo 3.5 mm×15 mm - 2 0
12 右侧后交通 发育不良,开口狭窄 正向 Apollo 3.5 mm×18 mm - 0 0
13 甲状颈干 正常 正向 未通 - 2 1
14 甲状颈干,右侧后交通 发育不良 正向 Apollo 3.5 mm×18 mm - 2 0
15 甲状颈干,双侧后交通 对侧椎动脉纤细 经对侧椎动脉逆向指引开通 RX Herculinkite球囊扩张支架(4 mm×18 mm) catlyst 6 2 0
16 甲状颈干,双侧后交通 纤细,开口狭窄 正向 CID 5 mm×17 mm - 1 0
17 正常 正向 雷帕霉素靶向洗脱支架 2.75 mm×13 mm - 0 0
图1 经甲状颈干逆行指引开通椎动脉并基底动脉取栓术术中影像。图a示左侧锁骨下动脉造影,左侧椎动脉自起始部闭塞,甲状颈干分支代偿致椎动脉V2段以远显影;图b~d示SL-10微导管在Synchro2微导丝导引下顺利通过甲状颈干的分支,并逆向到达左侧椎动脉闭塞段远侧;图d、e示V-18导丝正向顺利通过左侧椎动脉闭塞段;图f、g示沿V-18导丝将Spider保护伞放置于V2段上段,先后用2 mm×20 mm、3 mm×30 mm球囊扩张1次;图h示在狭窄处置入APOLLO球囊扩张支架(微创神通 3.5 mm×18 mm)1枚;图i示基底动脉栓塞;图j示基底动脉取栓后完全再通
图2 正向开通闭塞椎动脉术中影像。图a示左侧锁骨下动脉前后位造影示左侧椎动脉自起始部闭塞,红色箭头指示可疑为左侧椎动脉开口;图b示左侧锁骨下动脉侧位造影显示甲状颈干分支动脉代偿至椎动脉V3段以远显影,白色箭头示V2段节段性显影;图c白色箭头示第一根微导丝疑似进入假腔后保留,第2根微导丝进入血管真腔通过闭塞段;图d红色箭头示左侧椎动脉V2段上段置入保护伞后闭塞段球囊扩张;图e示球囊扩张后造影显示闭塞段管腔改善良好;图f示支架置入后管腔成形良好,血流通畅
图3 抓捕器辅助经对侧椎动脉逆向指引开通闭塞椎动脉患者术中影像。图a示右侧椎动脉全程纤细、V4段狭窄(白色箭头所示);图b示左侧椎动脉自起始部闭塞,无残端;图c示甲状颈干分支代偿至V2段以远显影(白色箭头所示);图d示Synchro2、SL-10经对侧椎动脉逆向进入左椎动脉闭塞段远端;图e示微导管造影见闭塞端远侧大量血栓影(白色箭头所示);图f示闭塞段迂曲(白色圆圈所示),Synchro2未通过;图g示V-14通过闭塞段至锁骨下动脉(红色箭头所示)后被抓捕器(白色箭头所示)圈套后回拉;图h示V18导丝顺向通过左侧椎动脉闭塞段(白色圆圈所示);图i示SpiderFX(白色箭头所指)置入后闭塞段预扩张;图j示取出椎动脉血栓后椎动脉管腔长节段狭窄;图k示左侧椎动脉起始部支架置入(白色箭头所示),椎动脉全程血流通畅
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