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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 521 -527. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.06.001


韩转宁1, 张静芳1,(), 潘奇2   
  1. 1.710038 西安医学院第二附属医院超声科
    2.710038 西安医学院第二附属医院影像科
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-11 出版日期:2024-12-01
  • 通信作者: 张静芳
  • 基金资助:
    陕西省卫生健康科研项目(2022E029)陕西省2021 年科技计划项目(2021SF-271)

The evaluation of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction by optic nerve sheath ultrasound combined with transcranial color-code doppler ultrasound

Zhuanning Han1, Jingfang Zhang1,(), Qi Pan2   

  1. 1.Department of Ultrasound,Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an 710038,China
    2.Department of Imagingthe,Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an 710038,China
  • Received:2024-04-11 Published:2024-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Jingfang Zhang

韩转宁, 张静芳, 潘奇. 视神经鞘超声联合经颅彩色多普勒超声评估恶性大脑中动脉梗死的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 521-527.

Zhuanning Han, Jingfang Zhang, Qi Pan. The evaluation of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction by optic nerve sheath ultrasound combined with transcranial color-code doppler ultrasound[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 521-527.




回顾性分析2021 年6 月至2023 年4 月西安医学院第二附属医院收治的大脑半球大面积脑梗死且符合研究纳入和排除标准的102 例患者,均行床旁超声测量视神经鞘直径(ONSD)及TCCD 检查。根据是否发生MMI 分为MMI 组(44 例)和非MMI 组(58 例)。采用独立样本t 检验比较2 组双侧ONSD 值及TCCD 参数[收缩期血流速度(Vs)、舒张期血流速度(Vd)、平均血流速度(Vm)及搏动指数(PI)]的差异;采用Pearson 相关分析ONSD 及TCCD 参数与MMI 患者入院格拉斯哥昏迷量表(GCS)评分、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分及脑梗死体积的相关性;绘制受试者操作特征(ROC)曲线,分析并评估ONSD、TCCD 参数单独及各指标联合预测MMI 的效能。


MMI 组ONSD 平均值及患侧PI 值明显高于非MMI 组[(5.53±0.39)mm vs(4.97±0.35)mm; 0.89±0.16 vs 0.72±0.18],患侧Vd、Vs、Vm 值则明显低于非MMI组[(20.58±9.54)cm/s vs (32.12±9.87)cm/s;(57.50±10.59)cm/s vs(72.58±11.35)cm/s;(30.85±10.23)cm/s vs(51.72±12.33)cm/s],差异具有统计学意义(t=7.617、4.953、-5.933、-6.839、-9.098,P 均<0.001)。ONSD 平均值、患侧PI 值分别与GCS 评分呈负相关(r=-0.568、-0.539,P 均<0.05),与入院NIHSS评分(r=0.606、0.549,P 均<0.05)和脑梗死体积(r=0.637、0.561,P 均<0.05)呈正相关;患侧Vd、Vs、Vm 值分别与GCS 评分(r=0.512、0.501、0.522,P 均<0.05)呈正相关,与NIHSS 评分(r=-0.554、-0.534、-0.529,P 均<0.05)和脑梗死体积(r=-0.567、-0.545、-0.537,P 均<0.05)呈负相关。ONSD 联合TCCD 各参数共同预测MMI 发生的ROC 曲线下面积为0.926,优于各指标单独预测(0.796~0.871),预测价值明显提高。


超声测量ONSD 及TCCD 参数可作为临床识别MMI 发生的预测因子,与患者入院GCS 评分、NIHSS 评分及脑梗死体积显著相关。ONSD 联合TCCD 各参数共同预测MMI 发生的价值明显高于各指标单独预测,利于预测MMI 进展风险。


To investigate the clinical predictive value of optic nerve sheath ultrasound combined with transcranial color-code Doppler (TCCD) ultrasound for malignant middle cerebral artery infarction (MMI).


A retrospective analysis was performed on 102 patients with large cerebral infarction in the cerebral hemisphere, admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University from June 2021 to April 2023, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study.Bedside ultrasound measurements of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) and TCCD were performed.The enrolled patients were categorized into MMI (n=44) and non-MMI (n=58) groups according to MMI occurrence.Independent sample t tests were used to compare the differences of bilateral ONSD values and TCCD parameters[systolic velocity (Vs), diastolic velocity (Vd), mean velocity (Vm), and pulsatility index (PI)] between the two groups.Pearson correlation was used to assess the correlation between ONSD and TCCD parameters with the Glasgow coma scale (GCS), National Institute of Health stroke scale (NIHSS) scores, and cerebral infarction volume in MMI patients.Receiver Operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to evaluate the predictive efficacy of ONSD and TCCD, individually and in combination, for MMI.


MMI patients exhibited significantly higher mean ONSD and PI values on the affected side compared to the non-MMI group [(5.53±0.39)mm vs (4.97±0.35)mm; 0.89±0.16 vs 0.72±0.18], while Vd, Vs, and Vm on the affected side were significantly lower than those in the non-MMI group [(20.58±9.54)cm/s vs (32.12±9.87)cm/s; (57.50±10.59)cm/s vs (72.58±11.35)cm/s; (30.85±10.2)cm/s vs (51.72±12.33)cm/s], all with statistical significance (t=7.617, 4.953, -5.933, -6.839, -9.098, all P<0.05).ONSD and PI on the affected side were negatively correlated with GCS score (r=-0.568, -0.539, all P<0.05), and positively correlated with NIHSS score (r=0.606, 0.549, all P<0.05) and cerebral infarction volume (r=0.637, 0.561, all P<0.05),respectively.Vd, Vs, and Vm on the affected side were positively correlated with GCS score (r=0.512,0.501, 0.522, all P<0.05), and negatively correlated with NIHSS score (r=-0.554, -0.534, -0.529, all P<0.05) and cerebral infarction volume (r=-0.567, -0.545, -0.537, all P<0.05).The combined ONSD and TCCD ROC curve area under the curve for predicting MMI occurrence was 0.926, superior to each index alone (0.796-0.871), indicating a significant improvement in predictive value.


ONSD and TCCD, as measured by ultrasound, can serve as predictive markers for MMI occurrence.They are significantly correlated with GCS score, NIHSS score, and cerebral infarction volume.The combined predictive value of ONSD and TCCD parameters for MMI occurrence is significantly higher than that of individual indicators, facilitating early risk assessment of MMI progression.

表1 MMI 组和非MMI 组急性大脑半球大面积脑梗死患者基线资料比较
项目 MMI组(n=44) 非MMI组(n=58) 统计值 P
年龄(岁,xˉ±s 65.36±7.28 68.67±8.24 t=-2.143 0.035
男性[例(%)] 30(68.18) 42(72.41) χ2=0.293 0.588
体质量指数(kg/m2xˉ±s 23.67±1.98 24.06±2.25 t=-0.912 0.364
高血压史 29(65.91) 42(72.41) χ2=0.991 0.319
糖尿病史 24(54.55) 34(58.62) χ2=0.227 0.634
冠心病史 11(25.00) 13(22.41) χ2=0.361 0.548
高脂血症 17(38.64) 25(44.83) χ2=0.393 0.531
心源性脑栓塞 23(52.27) 27(46.55) χ2=0.328 0.567
既往卒中史 15(34.09) 17(29.31) χ2=0.411 0.522
吸烟/饮酒史 13(29.55) 22(37.93) χ2=0.932 0.334
梗死侧别(左侧)[例(%)] 22(50.00) 32(55.17) χ2=0.101 0.750
梗死体积(ml,xˉ±s 183.78±21.24 95.16±17.68 t=22.978 <0.001
梗死后出血[例(%)] 13(29.55) 6(10.35) χ2=6.790 0.009
脑室受压[例(%)] 30(68.18) 29(50.00) χ2=4.225 0.040
患侧闭塞血管[例(%)] χ2=0.170 0.919
MCA 19(43.18) 27(46.55)
ICA 17(38.64) 23(39.66)
MCA+ICA 8(18.18) 8(13.79)
收缩压(mmHg,xˉ±s 154.97±20.25 156.34±23.87 t=-0.306 0.760
舒张压(mmHg,xˉ±s 87.06±11.23 87.54±10.42 t=-0.223 0.824
平均动脉压(mmHg,xˉ±s 110.23±12.96 113.12±14.66 t=-1.036 0.302
心率(次/min,xˉ±s 86.89±7.67 85.24±9.56 t=0.938 0.350
入院GCS评分(分,xˉ±s 7.76±2.45 10.03±2.59 t=-4.487 <0.001
入院NIHSS评分(分,xˉ±s 23.41±3.35 17.06±3.07 t=9.946 <0.001
白细胞计数(×109/L,xˉ±s 12.46±2.48 11.99±2.30 t=0.988 0.325
中性粒细胞计数(×109/L,xˉ±s 9.18±1.83 7.19±1.66 t=5.737 <0.001
血小板(×109/L,xˉ±s 216.57±20.49 215.64±21.88 t=0.218 0.828
血糖[mmol/L,MQR)] 8.27(6.49,12.01) 8.35(6.78,11.89) Z=0.385 0.587
同型半胱氨酸(μmol/L,xˉ±s 15.45±2.58 16.11±3.20 t=-1.119 0.266
APTT[s,MQR)] 27.63(24.78,29.38) 27.49(25.56,29.64) Z=0.167 0.625
PT[s,MQR)] 11.57(10.95,12.48) 11.39(11.141,12.76) Z=0.364 0.432
INR[MQR)] 1.06(0.88,1.35) 0.97(0.83,1.24) Z=0.125 0.748
表2 MMI 组和非MMI 组超声测量ONSD 及TCCD 参数比较(±s
表3 超声测量ONSD 及TCCD 参数与MMI 患者入院GCS 评分、NIHSS 评分及脑梗死体积的相关性分析r 值表
图2 ONSD 平均值、Vd、Vs、Vm、PI 单独及联合预测恶性大脑中动脉脑梗死的受试者操作特征曲线 注:ONSD 为视神经鞘直径,Vd 为舒张期血流速度,Vs为收缩期血流速度,Vm 为平均血流速度,PI 为搏动指数
表4 超声测量ONSD 及TCCD 参数对恶性大脑中动脉梗死发生的预测价值
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