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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 202 -209. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.03.002


林一鑫1, 董晶2, 贾建文1, 黄菊梅1, 武军元3, 王双坤4, 柳云鹏1, 汪阳1,()   
  1. 1. 100020 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院神经外科
    2. 100049 北京,清华大学玉泉医院(清华大学中西医结合医院)装备办
    3. 100020 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院急诊科
    4. 100020 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院放射介入影像中心
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-25 出版日期:2024-06-01
  • 通信作者: 汪阳
  • 基金资助:

The tortuosity and symmetry characteristics of extracranial segment of cervical carotid arteries: evaluation of CT angiography by deep learning-based artificial intelligence

Yixin Lin1, Jing Dong2, Jianwen Jia1, Jumei Huang1, Junyuan Wu3, Shuangkun Wang4, Yunpeng Liu1, Yang Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
    2. Department of Medical Engineering, Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital, Beijing 100049, China
    3. Department of Emergency, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
    4. Department of Radiology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
  • Received:2024-03-25 Published:2024-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Yang Wang

林一鑫, 董晶, 贾建文, 黄菊梅, 武军元, 王双坤, 柳云鹏, 汪阳. 基于人工智能分析颈内动脉颅外段迂曲特征及对称性的应用性评价[J]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 202-209.

Yixin Lin, Jing Dong, Jianwen Jia, Jumei Huang, Junyuan Wu, Shuangkun Wang, Yunpeng Liu, Yang Wang. The tortuosity and symmetry characteristics of extracranial segment of cervical carotid arteries: evaluation of CT angiography by deep learning-based artificial intelligence[J]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 202-209.










To explore the value of vascular morphological parameters extracted by artificial intelligence technology in the morphological evaluation of the internal neck arteries (C1) morphological evaluation.


Vascular data of 200 patients who underwent emergency head-neck CT angiography (CTA) examination at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University from March 2022 to November 2022 were collected. artificial intelligence deep learning was utilized to analyze CTA image data. Quantitative anatomical parameters of the C1 segment of the internal carotid artery were extracted, including the actual length, relative length, distance factor metric, sum of angle metrics, tortuosity index, inflection count metrics, bending length, angle, curvature, torsion. Ten vascular-related parameters in total Secon, a radiologist conducted visual assessment of the symmetry of C1 and categorized the vascular morphology into the symmetry and the asymmetric group according to the visual assessment result. There are differences in the form. Subsequently C1 is divided into five types: "straight", "C-type", "S-type", "curling", and "folding" based on the METZ type. The sample non-parameter test analysis was performed to examine the differences in vascular morphology between the various types and to verify the difference in vascular morphology parameters among the different METZ types.


A total of 400 vessels of bilateral C1 segments from 200 patients were included in the analysis, including 76 females. Visual assessment results of C1 symmetry showed that 87 patients had symmetrical segments, while 113 patients had asymmetrical segments. There were no statistically significant differences in the 10 parameters in the symmetrical C1 group, while statistically significant differences were found in relative length, inflection point count index, and distance factor measurement in the asymmetrical C1 group (P<0.05), and no statistically significant differences were found in the remaining parameters between the bilateral sides (P>0.05). Visual assessment results of C1 tortuosity types showed 24 "straight", 126 "S-shaped", 182 "C-shaped", 18 "coiled", and 50 "folded" cases. After classifying the 400 cases of C1 according to tortuosity types, there were statistically significant differences in the 8 vascular parameters[relative length, distance factor metric, sum of angle metrics, tortuosity index, inflection count metrics, bending length, angle, curvature] extracted by artificial intelligence technology among different tortuosity types, with the exception of actual length or torsion.


Vascular morphological parameters are crucial indicators for auxiliary evaluation of vascular morphology. These quantitative measures facilitate the accurate identification of the course, morphology, and bilateral symmetry of vessels on complex three-dimensional CTA images of cervical carotid arteries.

图1 颈内动脉颅外段(C1段)分型示意图。图a:直型,颈总动脉中心线与中心线夹角<15°;图b:S型,颈内动脉颅外段呈现为S形;图c:C型,颈内动脉颅外段呈现为C形;图d:卷曲,颈内动脉呈现为夸张S形曲线或圆形配置;图e:扭结,与狭窄相关的急性成角(<90°)
图2 自动提取头颈联合三维成像DICOM文件经人工智能技术提取血管中心线,标记转折点后计算血管迂曲相关参数(弯曲度),并以不同颜色进行标注,客观呈现血管迂曲程度
图3 血管形态参数指标及说明。图a:实际长度(AL),即提取血管节段中心线的实际长度,白线为血管的中心线。图b:相对长度(RL),是血管中心线曲线起点与曲线终点的直线距离(DL)与曲线起点与曲线终点的AL的比值。越迂曲的血管,RL越低。图c:角度度量指标(SOAM),表示将中心线上所有夹角的补角进行求和之后与AL的比值。即将相关血管节段起点与末端所有夹角(φ)的补角进行求和,并将其与血管的AL进行标准化处理;其中φi表示测量的角度,n是其计数。对于更直的曲线,补角更小,因此整个SOAM更小。图d:迂曲指数(TI),血管中心线AL与血管中心线DL的比值;TI越大,反映血管越迂曲。图e:拐点计数指标(ICM),是曲线上转折点/拐点数与血管中心线AL的乘积与血管中心线DL的比值。拐点/转折点的定义是血管走行弧度发生转变的点(由凹型转为凸性,反之亦然);式中,ni为曲线拐点个数。对于越迂曲的血管,ICM指标越高。图f:弯曲度(BL),即AL和DL之间的最大垂直距离,较大的BL值通常意味着更高的局部弯曲度。图g:角度(Angle),曲线上的2个相邻点之间的夹角,用来估计曲线的弯曲程度,较大的夹角表示血管迂曲程度更小。图h:曲率(K),表示的以血管弧度做切线,与这段血管弧度相切的内切圆半径的倒数;t表示曲线上的点,曲线的切向量为r'(t),法向量为r”(t)。K越大,反应血管越迂曲。图i:扭率(T),表示血管在三维空间上的扭转程度;在三维曲线的基本微分几何中,T代表曲率平面的扭曲程度,是由Frenet-Serret公式给出的Frenet框架的微分方程系统中的系数。曲线的切向量为r'(t),法向量为r”(t),三阶导数为r”(t)。扭率是曲线的切向量对弧长的旋转速度。越迂曲的血管,其T越大。图j:距离因子度量(DFM),表示血管起点至各个转折点位动脉路径长度L之和与起点至各个转折点的欧氏距离D之和的比值,越迂曲的血管,DFM值越大
表1 视觉评估的颈内动脉C1对称与否组间基线情况的比较
表2 C1段对称组人工智能计算左右侧血管参数对比情况(
表3 C1非对称组人工智能计算左右侧血管参数对比情况(
图4 5种迂曲类型10项指标的两两差异比较结果。图a~j分别为实际长度、相对长度、角度度量指标、迂曲指数、拐点计数指标、弯曲度、角度、曲率、扭率和距离因子度量的不同迂曲类型间差异比较结果 注:ns表示差异无统计学意义,*表示差异具有统计学意义(*越多,表示P值越小)
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