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Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (06): 582-590. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2023.06.009

• Clinical Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Changes and significance of serum NPY, 5-HT, and BDNF levels in patients with essential hypertension and insomnia

Jianghua Gong(), Ningxiang Li, Jian Li, Feng Li, Li Tong, Hongli Xing, Xinxia. He   

  1. Department of General Practice, Hengshui People's Hospital, Hengshui 053000, China
  • Received:2023-01-05 Online:2023-12-01 Published:2024-01-12
  • Contact: Jianghua Gong



To investigate the changes and clinical significance of serum neuropeptide Y (NPY), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in patients with essential hypertension and insomnia.


204 patients with simple primary hypertension (hypertension group) and 204 patients with primary hypertension and insomnia (hypertension and insomnia group) admitted in Hengshui People’s Hospital from January 2019 to October 2022 were included, and 204 healthy people (control group) at the same period were included, too. The serum NPY, 5-HT, and BDNF levels of them were measured and compared. The correlations between serum NPY, 5-HT, and BDNF levels and Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) score were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis. Compared with patients with simple primary hypertension, the influencing factors of essential hypertension with insomnia were analyzed by multivariate conditional Logistic regression analysis method.


The levels of serum NPY and 5-HT in the hypertension group and the hypertension with insomnia group were higher than those in the control group, but the level of serum BDNF was lower than that in the control group, with the differences statistically significant (P<0.05). The levels of serum NPY and 5-HT in the hypertension with insomnia group were higher than those in with hypertension group, but the level of serum BDNF was lower than that in the hypertension group, with the differences statistically significant (P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that serum NPY and 5-HT levels were positively correlated with PSQI score in patients with hypertension (r=0.624, 0.645, P<0.05), and the serum BDNF level was negatively correlated with PSQI score (r=-0.638, P<0.05). Serum NPY and 5-HT levels in patients with hypertension and insomnia were positively correlated with PSQI score (r=0.866, 0.879, P<0.05), while the serum BDNF level was negatively correlated with PSQI score (r=-0.875, P<0.05). Multivariate conditional Logistic regression analysis showed that grade 3 hypertension, course of hypertension, drink strong tea or coffee, smoking, obesity, life and work pressure, poor sleep habits, and serum NPY, 5-HT and BDNF levels were the influencing factors of insomnia in patients with essential hypertension (OR=2.795, 3.062, 2.255, 2.199, 2.413, 2.241, 2.375, 3.232, 3.758, 0.535, P<0.05). After further correction of hypertension grade 3, hypertension course, drinking strong tea or coffee, smoking, obesity, life and work pressure, and poor sleep habits, multiple conditional Logistic regression analysis showed that the levels of serum NPY and 5-HT were risk factors for insomnia in patients with essential hypertension (OR=2.678, 2.849, P<0.05), while the BDNF level was a protective factor (OR=0.561, P<0.05).


The levels of serum NPY, 5-HT, and BDNF in patients with primary hypertension and insomnia are increased, while the level of BDNF is decreased, and these three are all related to the PSQI score of patients, and they are the influencing factors of primary hypertension and insomnia.

Key words: Essential hypertension, Insomnia, Neuropeptide Y, 5-hydroxytryptamine, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor

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