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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03) : 158 -164. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2022.03.004


石志勇1, 王嵘2, 张东3,()   
  1. 1. 100070 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科;210008 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院神经外科
    2. 100070 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科
    3. 100070 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科;100005 北京医院神经外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-27 出版日期:2022-06-01
  • 通信作者: 张东
  • 基金资助:
    国家科技支撑计划(2015BAI12B04); 国家重点研发计划(2021YFC250500)

A preliminary evaluation of cognitive dysfunction based on moyamoya vessels in adult patients with moyamoya disease

Zhiyong Shi1, Rong Wang2, Dong Zhang3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100070, China; Department of Neurosurgery, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, China
    2. Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100070, China
    3. Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100070, China; Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100005, China
  • Received:2021-08-27 Published:2022-06-01
  • Corresponding author: Dong Zhang

石志勇, 王嵘, 张东. 基于烟雾血管分级的成人烟雾病患者脑认知功能障碍初步研究[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(03): 158-164.

Zhiyong Shi, Rong Wang, Dong Zhang. A preliminary evaluation of cognitive dysfunction based on moyamoya vessels in adult patients with moyamoya disease[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(03): 158-164.










To explore whether moyamoya vessels based on digital subtraction angiography (DSA) could be used to predict cognitive dysfunction for adults with moyamoya disease (MMD).


From December 2018 to June 2019, 43 adult cases of MMD were admitted to the Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University (MMD group); and 22 patients undergoing physical examination who matched the gender, age and education level were included as a healthy control group. Both groups were required to take cognitive assessment, including Webster's adult intelligence scale (WAIS) test, prospective memory (PM) test, repeatable battery neuropsychological status (RBANS), Stroop test, Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST), and trail making test A (TMT-A). The participant was diagnosed with cognitive dysfunction when three or more cognition tests were abnormal. Moreover, MMD patients were examined by DSA and evaluated by an experienced neurosurgeon. According to the density of smoke vessels in the left cerebral hemisphere, patients with MMD were divided into "none" (11 cases), "sparse" (20 cases), and "dense" (12 cases) subgroups whose cognitive function were compared.


Fourteen of the 43 adult MMD patients (32.6%) had cognitive dysfunction. When comparing MMD patients with and without cognitive dysfunction, significant difference in smoke vessels arising from left hemisphere could be found (P=0.007). Correlation analysis (excluding patients with "none" smoke vessel subgroup) had shown that there was a moderate correlation between cognitive dysfunction and smoke vessels (r=-0.522, P=0.002). Quantitative analysis of cognitive function based on the density of smoke vessels in left cerebral hemisphere showed that there were significant differences in the event based prospective memory (EBPM), PM, word interference of Stroop test, categories completed of WCST and TMT-A (P<0.05). Based on the comparison of cognitive function among three subgroups, significant differences were present in EBPM, PM, WCST-CC, and TMT-A between "none" and "sparse" subgroups. However, significant difference could only be found in time based prospective memory, word interference and TMT-A between "sparse" and "dense" subgroup.


Smoke vessels arising from the left hemisphere could predict the cognitive dysfunction for adult MMD patients without surgery. The more moyamoya vessels, the less cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive dysfunction in "sparse" subgroup was the most serious, especially in PM and executive function. Therefore, "potential of moyamoya vascularization" might be an important sign of cognitive function in adults with MMD.

表1 MMD组患者脑认知功能损伤情况
表2 成人MMD患者脑认知功能减退的影响因素分析
表3 基于左侧半球烟雾血管浓集程度MMD患者的脑认知功能分析
指标 无烟雾血管(n=11) 烟雾血管稀疏(n=20) 烟雾血管浓集(n=12) 统计值 P
知识量表 8.909±3.448 7.850±3.031 8.667±2.871 F=0.502 0.609
相似量表 9.545±3.078 9.750±2.613 9.750±2.927 F=0.021 0.979
填图量表 10.818±1.940 10.000±2.734 11.500±1.567 F=1.685 0.198
木块量表 10.636±4.007 8.300±2.364 9.500±3.580 F=1.959 0.154
智商预估 101.286±18.061 93.866±13.452 99.097±12.805 F=1.056 0.357
TBPM 9.727±3.524 7.650±3.588 10.667±3.939 F=2.802 0.073
EBPM 13.636±2.501 10.350±3.200a 13.000±2.860b F=5.514 0.007
总分 23.364±5.591 18.000±6.009a 23.667±5.565b F=4.879 0.012
即刻记忆 81.455±20.007 74.000±15.718 87.083±11.650 F=2.624 0.085
视觉广度 80.455±12.119 72.850±8.119 77.833±10.616 F=2.300 0.113
言语功能 82.909±19.222 81.750±12.826 90.083±11.509 F=1.335 0.275
注意 100.636±14.988 90.700±12.153 98.417±14.792 F=2.286 0.115
延时记忆 84.091±17.032 76.850±17.942 86.833±7.578 F=1.757 0.186
测验总分 81.364±17.512 73.450±11.376 83.583±7.501 F=2.958 0.063
单字[个,MQR)] 0(0,1) 0(0,0) 0(0,0) U=1.269 0.530
单字时间[s,MQR)] 13.31(11.38,20.66) 16.23(14.68,19.96) 15.06(11.27,16.31) U=5.010 0.082
单色[个,MQR)] 0(0,2) 0(0,1) 0(0,0) U=2.520 0.284
单色时间[s,MQR)] 18.16(14.62,30.88) 22.23(18.93,28.4) 18.24(16.39,24.34) U=5.189 0.075
字义干扰[个,MQR)] 0(0,1) 1(0,1) 0(0,0) U=3.264 0.195
字义干扰时间[s,MQR)] 17.75(13.56,20.28) 21.93(16.51,28.44) 15.65(13.24,20.25)b U=8.967 0.011
颜色干扰[个,MQR)] 2(1,4) 2(0,4) 2(2,6) U=0.910 0.635
颜色干扰时间[s,MQR)] 27.28(29.72,46.19) 43.22(36.12,56.89) 38.22(32.65,41.91) U=2.833 0.243
PE 5(2,7) 5(0,8) 5(2,14.25) U=0.468 0.792
CC 6(6,6) 2(1,6)a 6(4,6) U=9.411 0.009
迷宫 36.5(29.5,49.78) 62.18(43.82,88.65)a 35.41(28.28,60.48)b U=9.730 0.008
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