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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2014, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (02) : 4 -8. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1673-9248.2014.02.002

所属专题: 文献


严晓铭1, 牛牧1, 柯开富1,()   
  1. 1. 226001 南通大学附属医院神经内科
  • 出版日期:2014-04-01
  • 通信作者: 柯开富

Study on cerebral blood flow of perihematomal tissue in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage with MRI perfusion weighted imaging

Xiaoming Yan1, Mu Niu1, Kaifu Ke1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China
  • Published:2014-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Kaifu Ke
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Ke Kaifu, Email:

严晓铭, 牛牧, 柯开富. 高血压脑出血血肿周围组织脑血流量的磁共振灌注成像研究[J]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2014, 08(02): 4-8.

Xiaoming Yan, Mu Niu, Kaifu Ke. Study on cerebral blood flow of perihematomal tissue in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage with MRI perfusion weighted imaging[J]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2014, 08(02): 4-8.




连续入组2011年10月至2013年9月期间在南通大学附属医院神经内科住院治疗的高血压脑出血(hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage,HICH)患者24例。所有患者于发病第3天、14天进行MRI检查,应用灌注加权成像(perfusion weighted imaging,PWI)测定并计算血肿周围1 cm区域、血肿周围损伤区域和血肿远隔区域的相对脑血流量(relative cerebral blood flow,rCBF )。


发病第3天、 14天时,血肿周围1 cm区域、血肿周围损伤区域的rCBF均显著低于血肿远隔区域。与发病第3天相比,发病第14天时血肿周围1 cm区域、血肿周围损伤区域的rCBF均显著下降。




To study alterations of cerebral blood flow in perihematomal tissue in acute and subacute hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage with MRI perfusion weighted imaging.


24 consecutive patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH) admitted to the department of neurology of the affiliated hospital of Nantong university from October 2011 to September 2013 were recruited in the study. All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging at days 3 and 14 after symptom onset. The relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured and calculated using perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) in the 1 cm-wide area around the hematoma, as well as in the damaged area around the hematoma and the ipsilateral remote area.


The values of rCBF in the 1 cm-wide area around the hematoma and in the damaged area around the hematoma were significantly lower than in the ipsilateral remote area at days 3 and 14 after symptom onset. Compared with day 3 after symptom onset, the values of rCBF in the 1 cm-wide area around the hematoma and in the damaged area around the hematoma were significantly decreased at day 14 after symptom onset.


There exits pronounced hypoperfusion in the tissue around the hematoma during the phases of acute and subacute hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. MRI perfusion weighted imaging may contribute to display the alteration of cerebral blood flow of perihematomal tissue, and be with certain clinical applicatin value.

图1 图像传到工作站进行后处理。A图示:T2 FLAIR图像,红色线条区域为血肿周围损伤区域及其对侧镜像区域;B图示:PWI原始图像;C图示:软件处理后的CBF图像;D图示:CBF-T2 FLAIR融合图像,将T2 FLAIR图像上绘制的感兴趣区转移至CBF图像,获得CBF值。
表1 高血压脑出血患者发病第3天、14天血肿周围不同区域的rCBF
图2 发病第3天时血肿周围不同区域rCBF的比较
图3 发病第14天时血肿周围不同区域rCBF的比较
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