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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 441 -445. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.05.006

所属专题: 经典病例


穆巴拉克·伊力哈1, 徐霁华1, 鲁明1,()   
  1. 1.100020 北京,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-14 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 鲁明

Analysis of clinical features and imaging manifestations of misdiagnosed cases of acute minor stroke with microcerebral hemorrhage

Yilihamu Mubalake1, Jihua Xu1, Ming Lu1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Neurology,Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
  • Received:2024-06-14 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Ming Lu

穆巴拉克·伊力哈, 徐霁华, 鲁明. 急性轻型卒中微量脑出血误诊病例的临床特点及影像学表现分析[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 441-445.

Yilihamu Mubalake, Jihua Xu, Ming Lu. Analysis of clinical features and imaging manifestations of misdiagnosed cases of acute minor stroke with microcerebral hemorrhage[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 441-445.




本研究为回顾性队列研究,纳入自2023 年1 月1 日至12 月31 日于北京朝阳医院及医联体医院接受阿替普酶静脉溶栓治疗的缺血性卒中患者194 例,分析误诊为轻型卒中并行静脉溶栓治疗或险些行溶栓治疗的微量脑出血病例特征。


194 例患者中,轻型脑卒中患者为89 例,其中包括误诊为轻型卒中并行静脉溶栓治疗或险些行溶栓治疗的微量脑出血患者2 例,分别为丘脑微量出血及少量硬膜下出血。


微量脑出血患者临床症状相对较轻,仅表现为轻度偏侧或肢体麻木,无脑出血常见的头痛头晕、恶心呕吐、意识障碍等症状,头颅CT 常常显影不清,非常容易漏诊,或误诊为轻型缺血性脑卒中,因此对于轻型卒中拟行静脉溶栓的患者,准确识别微量脑出血至关重要。


To investigate the clinical and imaging characteristics of microcerebral hemorrhage cases misdiagnosed as acute minor stroke, thereby offering guidance for the administration of intravenous thrombolysis in minor stroke patients.


This retrospective cohort study included 194 patients with ischemic stroke who received intravenous thrombolysis with Alteplase at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital and affiliated hospitals from January 1 to December 31, 2023. It retrospectively analyzed the microcerebral hemorrhage cases that were misdiagnosed as minor stroke and underwent intravenous thrombolysis or nearly underwent thrombolysis.


Among 194 patients, 89 were diagnosed with minor stroke, including 2 patients with microcerebral hemorrhage who were misdiagnosed as minor stroke and treated with intravenous thrombolysis or nearly treated with thrombolysis. These cases comprised thalamic microcerebral hemorrhage, and a small amount of subdural hemorrhage, respectively.


Patients with microcerebral hemorrhage exhibited relatively mild clinical symptoms, showing only mild lateral or limb numbness, without headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and impaired consciousness, which are common in cerebral hemorrhage. Cranial CT scans were often unclear, rendering them susceptible to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of minor ischemic stroke. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately identify microcerebral hemorrhage in patients with minor stroke who are ready for intravenous thrombolysis.

图1 患者1 头颅影像学检查。图a 急诊头部CT,可见右侧丘脑点状高密度灶(箭头所示);图b 磁共振弥散加权成像序列示右侧丘脑无弥散抑制信号,相应区域可见低信号(箭头所示);图c 磁共振磁敏感加权成像序列示双侧大脑半球、小脑、双侧丘脑圆形微出血病灶,右侧丘脑的低信号与头部CT 所示右侧病灶相符(箭头所示);图d 头颈CT 血管成像示右侧大脑后动脉P1 段狭窄(箭头所示)
图2 患者2 头颅影像学检查。图a 患者溶栓前头颅CT 可见左侧顶叶下高密度影;图b 头颈CT 血管成像未见颅内大血管严重狭窄或闭塞;图c 患者溶栓1 d 后完善头颅磁共振成像示左侧顶叶T2 Flair 混杂信号;图d 患者溶栓1 d 后完善头颅磁共振成像示左侧顶叶磁敏感加权成像低信号
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