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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 434 -440. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.05.005


王丽娜1, 吕书霞1,(), 李亚男1   
  1. 1.224005 江苏盐城,盐城市第三人民医院神经外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-26 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 吕书霞
  • 基金资助:
    盐城市卫生健康委2023 年度医学科研立项项目(YK2023089)

Correlation analysis of metacognition of health anxiety between disease acceptance and fear disease progression in stroke patients with hemiplegia

Lina Wang1, Shuxia Lyu1,(), Yanan Li1   

  1. 1.Department of Neurosurgery, Third People's Hospital of Yancheng City, Yancheng 224005, China
  • Received:2024-03-26 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Shuxia Lyu

王丽娜, 吕书霞, 李亚男. 脑卒中偏瘫患者健康焦虑元认知与疾病接受度、恐惧疾病进展的相关性[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 434-440.

Lina Wang, Shuxia Lyu, Yanan Li. Correlation analysis of metacognition of health anxiety between disease acceptance and fear disease progression in stroke patients with hemiplegia[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 434-440.




采用便利抽样法,选取2022 年1 月至2023 年1 月盐城市第三人民医院收治的160 例脑卒中偏瘫患者为研究对象,使用一般情况调查表、健康焦虑元认知量表(MCQ-HA)、疾病接受度量表(AIS)、恐惧疾病进展简化量表(FoP-Q-SF)对所有患者进行问卷调查。采用Pearson 相关分析脑卒中偏瘫患者健康焦虑元认知水平与疾病接受度、恐惧疾病进展的相关性。采用多元逐步回归分析脑卒中偏瘫患者疾病接受度和恐惧疾病进展的影响因素。


160 例脑卒中偏瘫患者健康焦虑元认知水平得分为(40.72±10.90)分;疾病接受度得分为(19.82±4.78)分;恐惧疾病进展程度得分为(43.05±8.45)分。Pearson 相关分析得出,脑卒中偏瘫患者健康焦虑元认知与疾病接受度呈负相关(r=-0.215~-0.652,P<0.05),与恐惧疾病进展呈正相关(r=0.229~0.869,P<0.05)。多元逐步回归分析显示,健康焦虑元认知水平是脑卒中偏瘫患者疾病接受度和恐惧疾病进展的影响因素。




To investigate the association between health anxiety metacognition, disease acceptance, and fear of disease progression in stroke patients with hemiplegia.


Using convenience sampling method, 160 stroke patients with hemiplegia admitted to the Third People's Hospital of Yancheng City from January 2022 to January 2023 were included as the research subjects. These patients completed a questionnaire survey that included the General Situation Survey Form, meta-cognitions about health questionnaire (MCQ-HA), acceptance of illness scale (AIS), and fear of progression questionnaire-short from(FoP-Q-SF). Quantitative data such as health anxiety metacognitive level score, disease acceptance score,and fear disease score were analyzed. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationships between health anxiety metacognition, disease acceptance, and fear of disease progression in stroke patients with hemiplegia. Multiple stepwise regression analysis was then conducted to identify factors influencing disease acceptance and fear of disease progression in this patient population.


The score of metacognitive level of health anxiety in 160 stroke patients with hemiplegia was (40.72±10.90). The disease acceptance score was (19.82±4.78); The score of fear disease progression was (43.05±8.45); The results showed that metacognition of health anxiety in stroke patients with hemiplegia was negatively correlated with disease acceptance (r=-0.215--0.652, P<0.05), and positively correlated with the progression of fear disease(r=0.229-0.869, P<0.05). Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the metacognitive level of health education was a influencing factor on disease acceptance and fear of disease progression in stroke patients with hemiplegia.


Metacognition of health concerns in stroke patients with hemiplegia is closely related to disease acceptance and fear of disease progression. The level of metacognition in health education is an influencing factor on disease acceptance and fear of disease progression in stroke patients.

表1 脑卒中偏瘫患者健康焦虑元认知与疾病接受度、恐惧疾病进展的相关性分析(r 值)
因素 例数 疾病接受度评分 统计值 P 恐惧疾病进展评分 统计值 P
性别 t=12.140 <0.001 t=5.613 <0.001
87 22.18±4.06 37.93±9.07
73 15.19±3.22 46.20±9.53
年龄 F=8.587 <0.001 F=4.953 0.003
<40岁 8 16.18±3.04 48.19±8.92
40~50岁 23 17.83±2.96 46.79±9.31
51~60岁 48 19.33±3.80 42.84±8.37
>60岁 81 21.54±4.63 40.11±8.84
职业 F=0.058 0.994 F=0.089 0.986
农民 71 19.65±4.96 44.10±10.23
工人 29 19.24±5.20 43.80±8.16
单位职员 5 19.83±5.17 43.79±8.30
退休人员 48 19.30±5.01 43.07±9.53
其他 7 19.43±4.92 43.18±8.34
婚姻状况 F=0.004 0.996 F=0.001 0.999
已婚 139 19.62±5.03 43.10±9.20
未婚/离异 12 19.75±5.12 42.97±8.54
丧偶 9 19.62±4.98 43.16±8.85
受教育程度 F=7.964 <0.001 F=1.775 0.154
小学 55 15.28±4.49 46.67±8.92
初中 64 16.41±4.50 45.06±9.03
高中/中专 28 18.50±4.13 43.41±8.28
大学及以上 13 21.13±3.95 41.20±8.12
地区 t=0.544 0.587 t=0.262 0.793
农村 103 20.08±5.06 43.25±8.66
城市 57 19.63±4.91 43.63±8.97
家庭人均收入情况 F=4.519 0.005 F=2.835 0.014
<1000元 38 16.02±4.02 47.26±10.19
1000~3000元 59 17.84±3.91 45.39±9.38
>3000~5000元 53 18.73±4.22 43.40±9.01
>5000元 10 20.29±4.84 41.82±7.90
疾病类型 t=0.393 0.695 t=0.426 0.671
脑梗死 106 19.66±4.25 44.01±8.96
脑出血 54 19.37±4.73 43.37±9.05
手术治疗 t=0.368 0.713 t=0.365 0.716
121 19.75±4.63 43.84±8.49
39 19.44±4.38 43.26±9.05
因素 例数 疾病接受度评分 统计值 P 恐惧疾病进展评分 统计值 P
医疗费用支付方式 F=0.244 0.784 F=0.003 0.997
居民医保 88 19.50±5.04 43.61±8.34
职工医保 69 20.04±4.53 43.55±8.59
自费治疗 3 19.88±4.33 43.29±8.84
患病时长 F=18.612 <0.001 F=4.788 <0.001
<1个月 84 15.82±3.80 48.68±8.29
1~6个月 39 17.14±4.38 46.14±7.75
>6~12个月 9 18.63±3.96 44.29±8.04
>12个月 28 22.30±4.11 42.27±8.03
健康焦虑元认知评分 t=8.215 <0.001 t=3.093 0.002
<28分 46 23.94±5.31 41.72±9.04
28~56分 114 16.80±4.03 46.52±8.82
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表4 脑卒中偏瘫患者恐惧疾病进展影响因素的逐步回归分析
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