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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (02) : 145 -149. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2023.02.010


胡红梅1, 胡文立1,()   
  1. 1. 100020 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-22 出版日期:2023-04-01
  • 通信作者: 胡文立
  • 基金资助:

Research progress in total burden assessment scale for cerebral small vessel disease

Hongmei Hu1, Wenli Hu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China
  • Received:2022-08-22 Published:2023-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Wenli Hu

胡红梅, 胡文立. 脑小血管病总负担评估量表的研究进展[J/OL]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(02): 145-149.

Hongmei Hu, Wenli Hu. Research progress in total burden assessment scale for cerebral small vessel disease[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(02): 145-149.


With the in-depth study of the clinical, imaging, and pathophysiological mechanism of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) , it was found that the various imaging markers of CSVD were interrelated and interacted with each other, and they might have synergistic or superimposed effects on the clinical symptoms. Increasing evidence showed that CSVD was closely related to stroke recurrence, cognitive decline, dyskinesia, emotional abnormality, dysuria, and defecation disorder, which should therefore be treated as a whole brain disease. We reviewed the evaluation and clinical significance of CSVD imaging markers together with the research progress of CSVD total burden scoring methods, in order to provide some reference for further improvement of CSVD total burden score.

表1 不同研究下CSVD总负担评分方法
序号 文献 WMH CMBs EPVS 腔隙 急性腔隙性梗死 脑萎缩 皮质表面铁沉积 总分(分)
1 Kim等 [3] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 深部CMBs≥1个,1分 - ≥1个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - 0~4
2 Hong等 [11] 中度WMH(总分3~4),1分;重度WMH(总分5~6),2分 1~4个,1分;≥5个,2分 BG-EPVS 11~20个,1分;BG-EPVS>20个,2分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~7
中度WMH(总分3~4),1分;重度WMH(总分5~6),2分 1~4个,1分;≥5个,2分 (BG/CSO)-EPVS 11~20个,1分;(BG/CSO)-EPVS>20个,2分 ≥1个,1分 - - -
3 Zhi等 [12] 中度WMH(总分3~4分),1分;重度WMH(总分5~6分),2分 1~4个深部CMBs,1分;≥5个深部CMBs,2分 BG-EPVS>20个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~6
4 Molad等 [18] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 ≥1个,1分 (BG+CSO)-EPVS≥30个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~4
5 Xia等 [19] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 ≥1个,1分 (BG/CSO)-EPVS>20个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~4
6 Yang等[26] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 深部CMBs≥1个,1分 BG-EPVS>10个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - 中重度,1分 - 0~5
7 Charidimou等 [31] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 2~4个脑叶CMBs,1分;≥5个脑叶CMBs,2分 CSO-EPVS>20个,1分 - - - ≤3个脑沟;>3个脑沟,2分 0~6
8 Staals等 [34] PWMH≥3或DWMH≥2,1分 ≥1个,1分 BG-EPVS>10个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~4
9 Xu等 [35] PWMH≥2或DWMH≥2,1分 ≥1个,1分 BG-EPVS>10个,1分 ≥1个,1分 - - - 0~4
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