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中华脑血管病杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (04) : 365 -369. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1673-9248.2024.04.012


贾伟华1, 刘芙蓉2, 杨宝玲1,(), 张鸥2, 赵秉清1   
  1. 1. 100043 北京,首都医科大学石景山教学医院 北京市石景山医院神经内科;100043 北京,首都医科大学石景山教学医院 北京市石景山医院神经医学中心
    2. 100043 北京,首都医科大学石景山教学医院 北京市石景山医院科教科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-12 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 杨宝玲
  • 基金资助:

Application of multi-mode teaching based on post comprehensive competency and integrated ideological and political education in stroke practice teaching

Weihua Jia1, Furong Liu2, Baoling Yang1,(), Ou Zhang2, Bingqing Zhao1   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Shijingshan Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing Shijingshan Hospital, Beijing 100043, China;Neurological Medical Center, Shijingshan Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing Shijingshan Hospital, Beijing 100043, China
    2. Department of Science and Education, Shijingshan Teaching Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing Shijingshan Hospital, Beijing 100043, China
  • Received:2024-01-12 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Baoling Yang

贾伟华, 刘芙蓉, 杨宝玲, 张鸥, 赵秉清. 以岗位综合胜任力为导向融合思政教育的多模式教学在卒中实习教学中的应用[J]. 中华脑血管病杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(04): 365-369.

Weihua Jia, Furong Liu, Baoling Yang, Ou Zhang, Bingqing Zhao. Application of multi-mode teaching based on post comprehensive competency and integrated ideological and political education in stroke practice teaching[J]. Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(04): 365-369.






与传统教学组相比,多模式教学组学生的理论成绩[(86.24±5.36)分vs(82.46±5.10)分]和技能操作成绩[(88.12±5.83)分vs(80.22±6.80)分]均显著提高,差异具有统计学意义(t=4.36,P=0.036;t=5.71,P=0.008)。教学后问卷调查显示,多模式教学组在主动学习兴趣、医患沟通能力、爱国教育重要性方面均明显优于传统教学组(91.3% vs 73.5%;82.8% vs 67.6%;82.8% vs 67.6%),且差异具有统计学意义(χ2=6.33、4.05、4.05,P=0.005、0.044、0.044)。多模式教学组学生团队合作能力虽然有提升的趋势,但与传统教学组相比,差异并没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。




To study the application of job competence-induced PBL+CBL multimodal teaching method with ideological education in the stroke clinical education.


69 undergraduates majoring in clinical medicine and undergoing clinical internship at Shijingshan Hospital, from the classes of 2017 and 2018 at Capital Medical University, were selected and divided into a traditional teaching group and, multimodal teaching group, respectively. The traditional teaching method was adopted in the traditional teaching group, while the multimodal teaching group employed the job competence-induced multimodal teaching method, which integrated ideological education. The teaching effect was evaluated by questionnaire survey, theoretical examinations, and clinical skills examinations. The t-test was applied to compare the results of the theoretical and clinical skills examinations between the two groups, and the χ2-test was used to compare the differences in the questionnaire results.


Compared with the traditional teaching group, both of the theoretical scores [(86.24±5.36) vs (82.46±5.10)] and the skill operation scores [(88.12±5.83) vs (80.22±6.80)] of the students in the multimodal teaching group were obviously improved, and the differences were statistically significant (t=4.36, P=0.036; t=5.71, P=0.008). Post-teaching questionnaire survey showed that the multimodal teaching group was significantly better than the traditional teaching group in active learning interest, doctor-patient communication skills, and the importance of patriotic education (91.3% vs 73.5%; 82.8% vs 67.6%; 82.8% vs 67.6%), and the differences were statistically significant (χ2=6.33, 4.05, 4.05; P=0.005, 0.044, 0.044). Although the teamwork ability of students had a trend of improvement in the multi-mode teaching group, there was no statistical difference compared with the traditional teaching group (P>0.05).


The job competence-induced multimodal teaching method with ideological education can increase students' interest in active learning, improve students' abilities to solve clinical problems, and enhance students' doctor-patient communication skills, patriotic enthusiasm, and professional spirit, which can be popularized and applied in stroke clinical practice teaching.

表1 2组学生基本资料和考试成绩比较
表2 多模式教学组学生对融合思政多模式教学效果的评价[人(%)]
表3 2组学生对教学效果主观评价的比较[人(%)]
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